Another year come and gone... Here are my previously unfinished New Year's "goals" from previous years.
Long-term Goals for the year 2009:
Find some way of earning income. (I have 12 piano students now, which is providing enough for me to pay for my own piano lessons, voice lessons, and theatre and dance classes. But I would like to find something that I can do on my own time... I know, I'm too picky.)
One-time projects:
Get my bookcases organized and neat. (I got closer to done, but still not as thorough as I intended to.)
So, for 2010, my goals were:
Better sleep schedule (check!)
Improve cooking (check!)
Improve singing (check!)
Improve general house cleanliness (Um... not so much. Although it's pretty clean right now!)
One-time projects:
Clean off bookcase (getting there)
Make a layered cake (nope)
Make Regency dress (I cut out... some of it...)
Now for 2011 goals:
Seriously begin cookbook recipe collection and rating.
Improve my money-management and business skills.
Keep working on helping keep the house more neat.
Keep thinking and looking for other job possibilities.
One-time projects:
FINALLY FINISH the bookcase
Finish the Regency dress
Happy New Year!
Timothy's Twelfth Month!
6 years ago