So, just in case you didn't know, I had braces for 2 years and 5 months. I had REALLY crooked teeth. And just as an interesting trivia fact, I have no adult lower front first incisors. (Crazy long name, right?) The doctors were all VERY interested in my teeth. (They actually took pictures. That is never comforting...) When I finally got my braces off, the doctors told me, "Have a nice life... oh, and get your wisdom teeth out next summer." Well, "next" summer is now last summer, and I still haven't followed their orders. Fortunately, I only have 3 wisdom teeth. But they have decided to come in. I was hoping they'd just be a memory as little white blobs way down in my jaw on x-rays, but no such luck.
But then I happened to be looking over one of our herb remedy books (yeah, we're health nuts...) and noticed a calcium remedy. "Children with crowded teeth who must get wisdom teeth removed are deficient in Calcium." What?!? I'm deficient in Calcium? It's THAT easy? I went through 2 years and 5 months of braces for $5000 when all I needed was Calcium? *major sigh*
Now I'm taking Calcium. And hoping that at almost 18, I'm not too old for my jaw to get just a little bigger. But whatever happens, I'm NOT getting my wisdom teeth removed... *shudder*
Timothy's Twelfth Month!
6 years ago
4 random thoughts:
For the record, I cannot see how calcium is going to help your wisdom teeth at this point. If you can offer a scientific explanation for how that will work, I owe you a buck fifty.
Calcium is good to have anyway, though. If you don't get enough your body starts taking it out of your bones, which weakens them.
On another note, I like your new blog layout.
Hmm...I'm not sure how that would work at any point. I mean, if your jaw happens to be a certain shape, I don't think a bunch of calcium is really going to change it. Maybe it would, who knows...I'm generally a skeptic. :D I drank a LOT of milk when I was little though, and still had to have my wisdom teeth out.
Jos: No, I can't offer a scientific explanation.
Natalie: The problem is that most people have braces before their jaw is finished developing, so that adult teeth are forced to fit in a not-quite adult-sized jaw, and then retainers keep the teeth and jaw from changing.
And unfortunately, milk is not a good source of calcium. Everyone believes it is, but unless you are drinking it straight from a cow, it is pasteurized, the natural calcium is destroyed and synthetic calcium is added. The synthetic calcium tricks your body, and actually makes you absorb LESS calcium.
Oh wow, I didn't know that about the milk. would be nice if calcium pills were smaller....
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