Monday, December 1, 2008

The series of tagging.

Sadly, this one turned out blurry, but I couldn't bring myself to delete it because it's the only one of both of them that I managed to get. They were evading the camera. Anyway, this is Joel and David on the way to our week vacation at the beach. All the stuff piled in the back behind them is the stuff we "needed" for the week.

The rules are: Go to your Picture file, go to the 5th folder, (and then in my case open the 5th folder in THAT folder), open up the 5th picture, post it, and then tag 5 people.

Unfortunately, Anna got almost everyone that I would have tagged... so I'm tagging some people that may or may not respond: Allie, Marck, Matt, Nick, and Sarah (my sister).

*ponders the reason for the choosing of number 5*


3 random thoughts:

Anonymous said...

Wait... you're tagging me? I thought I had already stated my views on that frivolous activity. Bah, very well I shall endeavor to respond without too much complaining... Or sarcasm... Or whining

Lizzie said...

Yes, Nick, I'm very sorry. But that's why I mentioned that the people I tagged may not participate. To give you an out. Aren't I thoughtful? :P

Allie said...

haha. I'll post mine as soon as posible. I promise you and jess I am writing a LONG blog!!! IT's just gonna take some time to get up. hahaa