Friday, January 16, 2009


Here comes the weekend! Only, it's still a weekday, and I still have school. :( So this is a random post that I'm doing instead of school. (Don't worry, I'll get around to school eventually.)

This is my current desktop. It's a picture I took last week when we had all that rain... I like that it's focused on the water drops, but you still get the effect of the the clouds and the color of the sky. I didn't mean for it to focus on the window, but I'm very happy that it did.

Here's the rainbow that appeared on the same day. Unfortunately, it's pretty faint. I wonder if all those pictures of sharp, bright rainbows are photoshopped or if some rainbows really do look that way... this was the second rainbow, we saw another one a couple of days earlier, but I couldn't get a good picture. This is actually a double rainbow...

In this picture the rainbow appears to be ending right at our house. Unfortunately, we did not get home and find a pot of gold.

This was later in the evening, Mom and I went out grocery shopping. Still same day. It was a great day for sky pictures. I love clouds, and I really love it when there are rays shooting out from behind dark clouds. This might be my favorite ray picture ever... were it not for the telephone pole and lines. :|

This one makes me think of the Brandon Heath song, "Give Me Your Eyes" specifically the line: "All those people going somewhere, why have I never cared?"

This picture, to me, is really interesting. I see the clouds and the gold representing the beauty of God's creation, the American flag representing the principles that on which our country was originally founded, and the power lines a harsh reminder of what we have become: a technologically crazed and idol-worshipping nation, with leadership trying to separate us and our country as far as possible from God.

Yeah, I realize that sounds kind of cheesy. You could just say that this would be a great picture without the power lines.

And now I'll get off to something productive.


P.S. So I realized that my theme messes up the pictures... you can click on them and see a big version. Sorry I don't have time to change my theme now, but I'll try to get around to it later.

2 random thoughts:

Anonymous said...

Ohhh..I love that picture with the raindrops!

Lizzie said...

Thanks, Lauren! :)