I remember when the Northern Wake Tech campus was just a flat expanse of red mud, and Mom was so happy that it would probably open just in time for me to begin dual-enrollment (the year I turned 16). And now, after watching 3 semesters of opportunity for free education pass me by, I've finally come to my senses, only a little late. The late registration deadline for the spring semester is tomorrow. Mom and I went over to Wake Tech today to see if I could get in, and the English class that I wanted to do was completely full.
So now I have the summer classes, fall semester and spring semester before I graduate and have to start paying for classes. I've got a very long list of classes that I was interested in, and hopefully the ones that I was most interested in will fit into this last year (considering prerequisites and all).
And hopefully I will acquire some time management skills... I don't know if it's just a problem that occurs when you get older, or if it's me doing something wrong (like too much computer...? :P) but it seems that 24 hours just isn't enough time for everything I want to do, even if I disregard sleeping and food.
I am pretty excited about these Wake Tech classes now... I'm particularly interested in Cosmetology and Interior Design. So anyway. We'll see if I can get it all in without squeezing out something I'm already doing, like swimming, voice, dance, theater...
Timothy's Twelfth Month!
6 years ago
3 random thoughts:
I wish you well! No need for me to elaborate on my experience. Interior design sounds like lots of fun! I am actually thinking of taking it at some point, but right now I am just waiting for Creative Writing to stop being at the North Campus all the time and come to the South Campus so I can finally take it! :)
Ah, Creative Writing is what I want to take! But I have to take ENG-111 first. And what's really driving me crazy is that Creative Writing is still open! But I can't take it because I have to have the prerequisite which I could have taken last semester. >.<
Well, I really wouldn't recommend taking your first classes at WT in the summer. A whole semesters worth of work (which is already a lot of homework) is crammed into five weeks, plus the classes last for three hours every day, I think is what it is. So even if you can find a convenient time to take them you will come to swim exhausted...
Too bad we can't take Creative Writing together....*sniffle* Unless we become roommates or something, which I don't really see happening. :P
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