such intense frustration that you felt like you might implode? That tingling kind of sensation that makes you want to slam you entire body against the floor repeatedly? The rip-your-hair-out-and-then-put-yourself-into-a-blissfull-coma agony?
It was a very simple task. I maintain the website for Christian Community Sports. I have an overly obsessive fascination with making everything the same. So on the homepage where there are links to the current sports, it bugged me that the link for basketball was to the "sports" page instead of to the pdf (which wasn't available yet). The pdf became available, and I changed the link to go to the pdf, (that's ALL I changed!) and then put it on the server..... and about half of the information (on only that page!) is immediately erased. See for yourself..... Does that look right? NO! The file looks fine on my computer, it uploads to the server fine, but as soon as it appears on the server it's half the size (2 KB instead of 4). I've tried renaming it, naming other files "index" and completely recreating the index page from scratch. NONE OF IT WORKED. I am completely and utterly confused. It doesn't make logical sense and I have no idea what to do. And what's really driving me nuts is that IT WAS PERFECTLY FINE THE WAY IT WAS. If I'd only kept a copy of the old page then maybe everything would be fine now.
Or maybe the age of artificial intelligence really is here, and the server is evil and nothing would make it fine. The world is going to explode soon. But don't panic, there are plenty of other planets and we have the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
Timothy's Twelfth Month!
6 years ago
7 random thoughts:
Oh wow...that's weird. I don't know why it would only have half of each page. I'd understand (somewhat) if a whole page was blank or something...
Ah, but that's what's even more confusing. It's not half of each page, it's only the homepage! If you click on the sidebar links, all the other pages are fine. Even the ones that I've changed since last week when my horrible mistake occurred. *bangs head on desk*
(Sorry, I did make it sound like it was all the pages.. I edited it to be slightly clearer. :P )
Maybe I really am a VERY global thinker, but I don't see anything wrong with it...
*goes back and checks again*
OOOOOHHHH, I see. It's not there. *hits self in the forehead for being really unobservant and having a bad memory* I didn't actually read the text or bother scrolling down, and it's been since February or something since I've been on the site.
I sympathize with you! I do web design too (I help maintain my church's website [have you considered using Radiant CMS? It's really good at making all the pages the same, and you can edit online]) among other things, and sometimes things just... vanish.
Have you tried re-uploading the page? It seems to be truncated. Most of your tags are unclosed. Maybe the last half of the data just got "lost in the mail".
Thank you Jonathan. :)
Yes, I did try that... and unfortunately it didn't work. :(
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