Monday, October 13, 2008

Picture post

He's missing part of his rear leg... poor little thing. Our cats like lizards. But this one was fortunate enough to escape apparently.

I just felt like trying to be all artsy like Sarah... this was my best result.

We went to the State Fair grounds to drop off all of my siblings various competition entries. God was particularly creative with the clouds, don't you think?

Pre-fair busyness.

Notice that the ferris wheel doesn't have seats on it yet.

Something about this sign just struck me as funny.

In the left corner you can see Sarah's shoulder, and part of her painting. In the right corner is my little brother David. His drawing is not in sight... in hindsight, I realize that instead of just taking a picture of this usually very crowded area with no people, I should have waited for Sarah, David and Daddy to walk into the picture. But alas.

We had some trouble with Joel's lego tickets, but Mom and Joel went to the administrative office with the entry receipt and got that straightened out. So between my 3 siblings we had a total of 11 entries... I think.

I can't wait for the fair!


7 random thoughts:

N said...

Ooo, fair stuff...we just picked up our stuff from our fair this evening!

I hope you all do well on your entries!
I know the time we went to the state fair there was tons of stuff and I don't think we even looked at all of it! My poor mom got so worn out hiking all over the fairgrounds because we were trying to find a special "Best-of-show" display that one of my cross-stitch pieces was entered in.

Ah, I see you can get flu shots there too...they had them at our fair. Our neighbor lady was just horrified when I told her that no, we didn't get flu shots. :D

That poor cat caught one like that one time. But I think they taste bad, or bite, or something, because she didn't want to play with it!

Jessica said...

Aw man!! I didn't know the seats came would be so much more fun to ride it that way!

Oh, good...I'm glad to know our family isn't the only family in the whole world that doesn't get flu shots.

Very nice attempts at trying to be Sarah. I'm sure you recall mine from August. We should start a club...

Lizzie said...

Thank you! I hope they do well also.

Ah, yes, our family also is one of the families in the world to not get flu shots. :P

Thank you... I do try. It's very sad when you're the one originally interested in photography and then your little sister just picks it up and is instantaneously better than you. :D

Jessica said...

Or brother...

Lizzie said...

*pats shoulder consolingly*

Anonymous said...

i thought ur pictures we cool!i especially liked the one with the ferris wheel...something about the lighting and the sky made it look really cool. what kinda camera do you have and how many megpixels is it??

Lizzie said...

Aw, thanks, Lauren! I have an Olympus Stylus 830 and it has 8.0 MP.