Recently there has been some debate about the "correct" pronunciation of words. A friend of mine has told me that I talk "wrong." We've devised a determining phrase (I use it to determine people with a yankee accent from people with a southern accent. She uses it to determine who talks "wrong" and who talks "right.")
Here is the phrase. "My greasy orange syrup is in an envelope."
If you pronounce it "Meh greezy ar-unj sur-rup is in an ahn-vel-up" then you are "wrong", and southern. Congratulations.
If you pronounce it "Mie greesy o-ranj see-rup is in an in-vel-oep" then you are "right", and a yankee.
We actually looked it up ( and both pronunciations are correct according to Merriam - Webster. But it is true that we are in the south, and I have am a southerner... she's the one with an accent. When in Rome, do as the Romans do, right? Here, we say "y'all", "dawg" and we leave off the 'g' in 'ing.' (Example: Where y'all takin' thet dawg?")
It's NOT 'pop', it's 'soda' and we get our sad little southern feelings hurt when you come down here and tell us that we're wrong.
And you ever heard of "Conetoe"? It's pronounced "ku-nee-tah."
Timothy's Twelfth Month!
6 years ago
12 random thoughts:
And I would say that sentence somewhere between those two options! :D
Meaning that you would pronounce the words a third way, or that you would use some pronunciations from one sentence, and some from the other?
Yup, I'm half yankee and half southern, apparently.
To continue the little non-debate on your last blog (and I know this is irrelevant, but I doubt you will look at your comments again so my thoughts would go unacknowledged), I agree to some extent. But it's a little hard to NOT have a crush. But anything can be overcome. HOWEVER, how do you know when to allow yourself to fall for a guy? On your wedding day? Well, then how do you get to your wedding day if you never like a guy in the first place? He's not going to want to court you if you're unaffectionate the whole time. He's going to give up after a while, and go find someone else more receptive and who gives back the love. Or would you even allow yourself to begin a courtship, or are you just going to lie around hoping to wake up next to your husband and THEN love him?
I'm not trying to be convicting, just realisitc...
Some pronunciations from each...I'm not sure there is a third way to say those! It would certainly complicate your test if there was! :p
I would say it: "Mie greesy o-ranj sur-rup is in an ahn-vel-ope"...yep, transplanted yankee here! :D lol!
Actually we moved here when I was four, so it's more from having parents who are northerners than from being so northern myself. I think I'm turning more southern though! For instance, I can now say "y'all" in a sentence without it sounding like it's in quotes. ;)
And I call it soda, not pop.
southern. 'nuff said. ;)
Jess, I don't think (and if I'm wrong, then correct me) that Lizzie is saying never give a guy your heart. She's simply saying guard who you do give it to. Very few people our age nowadays, because of the way society is, are dating the people they are going to marry. Until you are ready to marry, giving parts of your heart away is pointless. We can't help being attracted to certain guys, we are simply hardwired that way. But we can help allowing those guys to have our heart until both you and the guy are ready to pursue marriage.
lol, well, first Jess, just fyi, I get email notifications when people comment on any of my posts... :)
I guess it's something of a personal opinion when you should allow yourself to fall for a guy. I think you should at least wait for some kind of commitment. Whether a courtship is enough commitment, or engagement, or somewhere in between. Personally, I want to wait until little while into the courtship. Now this is not to say that you can't acknowledge attraction, or be interested in a guy, but just be conscious of giving away your heart. Allie put it very well.
Oh, good, Natalie, I was hoping you didn't have a 3rd pronunciation, because you're right, it would definitely mess up my little test! :P
Okay, I see. I do understand. I would be willing to court a guy, you see, if he was respectable, asked my dad, etc., before I even know if I really have any feelings for him because he may turn out to be a great guy and I would have never given him a chance…if that fits into this whole thing. Then I could allow myself to fall for him after I realized up close and personal what a great guy he is…
(ok this is such a rabbit trail from your post on pronunciation...sorry)
I think for me there would have to be at least some level of attraction for me to consider a courtship. It would feel to me like I was wasting my time if I was courting someone I had no interest in...idk.
True. If they are intolerably unatrractive to me I wouldn't really consider. But suppose some guy friend I had never really thought of "that way" before but who I enjoy being with anyway...
Exactly, Jess!!
Ha, I meant my comment for your other comment.... lol.... but anyway.
Oh, good! I was hoping that comment before the last comment was what we were getting at.
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