Sounds normal, yes? Driver's Ed is the thing that nearly every young teen in the world can't wait to do, because after they finish, they'll finally be able to drive!!! Before you drive though, of course you have to take the classroom part.
My last day of this was 2 days ago.
I went on the first day, excited and somewhat nervous. Lizzie had finish her classroom part about 2 1/2 years ago, and from what she told me, it seemed like alot of fun. Her teacher was really nice and funny.
Also, I was doing it with friends (Kara & Nathan from swim team, and Daxton who was more of a acquaintance.) This would add to the overall funness of it, and make it less boring.
I thought it would be boring because I already knew how to drive, so I thought I wouldn't learn anything. I was wrong. I learned quite a bit (and I'll get to that later.) My Dad had even taken me out on our dirt road in his Volvo a couple times.
So I got up at 6:30, packed up a lunch and notebook, and arrived at least 20 mins early.
After all their overly-strict rules, and roll call we split up alphabetically. (Luckily I ended in the same class as all the people I knew!)
And then we met our teacher. He was a football coach. I imagine he was a good one too; he was big, mean and unforgiving. Which works for football. Not Driver's Ed. Practically everyone in the class got in trouble with him.
The other teacher apparently was no better. She seemed a little crazy. At any random time she would burst into our room, and start talking in a very loud voice. At lunch one day I heard some one tell some one else what some one ELSE and said about her: "You know that water bottle she's always drinking out of?? I don't think that's water."
We did the whole class of the computer. Module1, topic1. Quiz. Topic2. Quiz... etc. Through 10 Modules, whos topics ranged from 3 to 6, whos pages ranged from 1 to the 20's. We also watch corny movies, took 2 15 min breaks, and 30 mins for lunch.
On the last day we did drunk driving, where you would drive around a cone-course, once normal, and once with "drunk goggles" on. Everyone did really well. I'd say that overall, less cones were hit when the person had the goggles on.
NBC 17 news was there doing a story on these goggles. The reporter interviewed two people, then filmed them driving. When they drove with the goggles, she actually TOLD them to hit the cones (!!!!) in order to make it seem that the goggles work really well!!! I will never watch the news the same way again....
And now what I learned:
- I'm SOO glad I'm home schooled!
- a new interesting way to crack my neck.
- ABS means Anti-lock Brake System.
- I don't need glasses.
- way more than I wanted to know about organ donating.
- girls like to get attention by screaming at bees
- guys like to get attention by kicking things and acting silly.
- Driver's Ed isn't quite as fun as I thought it would be.
I also built alot of character. :D
Timothy's Twelfth Month!
6 years ago
2 random thoughts:
Sounds like your experience was downright lovely. Funny how we learned a lot of the same things...except I found out I needed glasses. I've always marveled at the screaming at bees thing, as well as the kicking themselves thing...never understood either.
oh yea...drivers ed is all about corny movies! the kind with bad acting and 80's kids with sky high hairdos wearings purple/aqua sweatpants. at least thats how mine was....:)
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