Thursday, July 31, 2008


As per request, this post contains very belated pictures from our last league meet, along with pictures from our fun meet.

First, my sister's pictures from the last league meet. (I didn't get any good ones on my camera.)

Hannah and Vic

Nathan and the back of Noah's head.

Matt and his little sister Kara.


Eden, Natalie, Samantha and Trissa, our "little girls."

My mom had my camera the day of the fun meet.

Eating at the mall during the break between the water polo championships and the fun meet.

Tristan and Sean

Our team picture.

And my sis's pictures from the fun meet.

Sean as goalie.

Kara and Jessica, with Jessica playing defense.

Kara and Noah, trying to block her pass.

Rachel and Hannah watching the game.

Noah with the ball.

Kara shooting on Sean (he blocked it.)

Elizabeth S.


Mariah and Vic.

Matt with Rachel's fingers.

Mrs. M, Mrs. O, Mrs. Y, my mom and Mrs. B.

Brianna, Hannah and Rachel eating lemons.

Torin with his medal.

Sean and David. I don't see what's so fascinating about his food... do you?

Mariah and Kara.

Torin and Matt.

*gasp* They're actually posing! For a CAMERA!

My dad also did a post about the fun meet here.

Random: Earlier today, I walked by Sarah, wearing her "Swimmer's Excuses" shirt. I've seen it several times since she bought it, but as I casually glanced at it, something slammed in my brain. I did a double take and almost tripped in my sudden change of direction as I rushed back to examine her shirt more closely. There is a grammatical error! I'm not sure why I noticed it today and not before, but it is certainly there. I then hurried upstairs to see if my shirt bore the same error. It does.
See excuse #6? "I ate to much." *sigh* It should be, "I ate too much." And they did the other "too's" right, why not all of them? Ah, well.


7 random thoughts:

N said...

Ack! Grammatical mistakes!! That's going to bug you from now on isn't it? :D

Jessica said...

Though, technically I suppose it's more of a spelling error than a grammatical one. Great pictures from water polo! We all look as glamerous as ever in our caps...

Jessica said...

'Scuse me...glamorous. You can tell I just woke up...

Lizzie said...

Yeah, it is going to bug me. Every time I think about wearing that shirt... *sniffle*

Actually, I think it's really a grammatical error because "to" is a word, it's just being used improperly. Or maybe it was a spelling error and whoever made the shirt meant to say "too" but... oh, never mind. I'm confusing myself.

I know, water polo caps, swim caps and goggles are all so flattering! I can't understand why they aren't part of everyday street clothes yet.

Anonymous said...

I just checked my orange "Swimmer's Excuses" one like Kara' says "I ate too much." But that's kind of a different shirt.

Lizzie said...

Well, way to make me feel lousy for buying the $5 shirt instead of the $12 shirt. Apparently the grammatical errors and undesirable colors are just necessary features of the cheaper version. :P

Jessica said...

I like the light blue!