Back when we had a decent selection of presidential candidates, I was hoping Thompson would make it. Now that it's basically between McCain, Obama and Hillary, I'm just hoping for a male.
But I was just thinking.... while it's definitely good for Christians to try and keep this country the way it should be.... this is a fallen world. God's already decided to destroy it. There's really no hope for this world. And that's fine, because this is not anyone's eternal home anyway! I'm here...... for what? To give God glory. And sometimes God's glory shines better when circumstances aren't that great.
That said, I certainly don't mean to say that Christian shouldn't care about the state of this country. I'm very opinionated about a lot of things, my top being abortion. I cannot stand to see all the animal-rights tree-huggers who care more about animals, inanimate plants and the environment (not that it's wrong to care about them! They just have a misplaced importance in my opinion) than they do about all the tiny innocent humans who are killed every day just because they inconvenience their selfish parents. Yes, the Twin Towers attack was horrible. But at least those 3000 Americans were killed by our enemies. 4000 Americans are killed every day by American doctors.
Another thing I can't stand is when Christians compromise their beliefs to fit with this secular culture. The Bible should be every Christian's top authority, yet there are so many Christians who will try to explain how the Bible fits with science instead of considering that maybe science should be fit to the Bible! There are so many compromise theories about Creation that it's not even funny. My least favorite is Theistic Evolution. This is the idea that God "started" the world and it evolved as evolutionists claim after that. This is definitely the easiest way to fit God into evolution, but it's also completely against how the Bible says Creation happened.
So anyway. That's just a really unorganized rant about some of my views. If anyone wants something clarified/elaborated upon, a friendly argument, or to share their views, I'll be more than happy to explain, debate and/or listen (or rather, read). :D
Timothy's Twelfth Month!
6 years ago
16 random thoughts:
I agree with all! But I almost think I'd rather Hillary get it than Obama. The thought of having a president Barak Hussein Obama reeely freaks me out, even though a woman president would be horrible. I guess I'm not being very "tolerant." Aren't you sick of that word! That and "offend." Oh for the days when Americans were Americans and didn't care a hoot who they offended!
Bravo for your opinion on the tree-huggers. But I must tell you, I'm a member of PETA.
People who Eat Tasty Animals :p
The thing Obama has "going for him" in my list of presidential candidates (McCain being first, him being second, Hillary third) (besides being a male) is that he has no decent plans. He talks about change, but never says what that is. I'd rather have a candidate in office for 4 years that does nothing than one who wrecks our country. And a woman as the leader of our Armed Forces?? That is a scary thought.
I must second Abigail on the PETA thing. While I care about animals, by no means do they top human life. In fact, Dad's always told me if any animal (unless it's a cow, horse, or any other extremely large species) comes out in front of my car, to hit it, because hitting it won't kill me, but swerving could. I also can't stand the political correctness of America now. I really don't care if I'm using the politically correct term all the time.
You guys have it all wrong....OBAMA NOR HILLARY WLL BE ELECTED!!!! NEITHER!!!! NOPE!!! AIN'T HAPPENING!!!...have i made my point clear? There is no room for a possibility. Now as for animals, God gave them to us as food. And the help-meet he picked out wasn't a dog. And when i see a squirrel or something like that in the road, i swerve...TO HIT IT!!! (sorry, i'm a guy) anyhowy...
Well, the only thing I can pray for is Ron Paul deciding to run independant if he doesn't win the republican "spot" or whatever in the heck it's called. Otherwise, I'm all up for a permenant bon voyage to Canada...who wants to come with me!?!?
God says to respect our authorities, whether they are actually "good" or not. He's placed them over us, and no matter how much we groan and complain about it, we should *gulp* submit.
I like animals, and I am not opposed to eating animals which are usually eaten here in the U.S., but I am quite against the killing of animals for sport. I understand if one must hunt deer or rabbit or whatever comes around if his family is starving, but that's not really an issue around here anymore. So why hunt and kill innocent animals just for the fun of it?
However, I am not an activist, do not want to become one, and I will declare right now that they exhaust me. I feel passionate about many things...but I'm not going to start a rally in front of the whitehouse to stop [enter highly debated contraversial topic here].
Oh, my. That is very terribly sorry...
Abigail: I am VERY sick of "tolerant" and "offend" ... sometimes I think I come off as too harsh and dogmatic with my opinions and arguments just because I really don't care if I seem intolerant or offensive to some people. I've gone a little too far the other way, I think...
Allie: Ah, but doing nothing can sometimes be as bad as doing something. ;)
Enil: Yes, I think you made your point clear, but your point is sadly lacking in evidence and reason.... why won't Hillary or Obama be elected? :P
Jess: I wanna come!
I am definitely against killing animals and such for the fun of it. I can't even stand to see fire-flies killed for fun. It's pointless and stupid.
(Long story that should probably be a post but I don't really have time.) When I was little (8 or so) my mom had a friend that would bring her 10 year old son over to our house. Whenever they came we had to go outside and play. And one time he was talking about all the sparrows, chikadees and robins that he'd shot, apparently thinking I would be awed. I was soooo upset I don't even remember what I did. But it still disgusts me to think about it.
I can't stand it when people talk like that...
Once when my dad and uncle were little, my uncle loaded a firefly into his BB gun and shot it at my dad. There was a little glowing spot on his back. Sad for the firefly but it's still funny...
Lizzie: That's true, however I'd rather have someone do nothing than someone wreck our country with their plans.
I come from a family that does TONS of hunting. Deer, squirrel, name it, we've done it. However, I don't approve of killing as a sport. If you actually plan on eating the deer meat, then I don't have a problem with shooting a deer. Venison is really good. But if you are killing the deer just to say you shot a deer, then it becomes stupid. That's the main reason that I refuse to hunt for sport only. I'll go with my family when we go dove hunting, but I won't actually shoot anything, because it's simply for sport.
I still love my hunting friends...I just don't love their hunting.
I said...HUNTING FOR A SPORT IS WHAT I DON'T LIKE. Hunting for necessity is...necessity.
Necessity meaning that you're about to starve? Is hunting things to get fresh meat without spending a fortune at the grocery store close enough?
Enil, that's so gross! "I am indeed grieved. Grieved, shocked."
As for the politics, isn't it comforting to know that in the long run we really have nothing to do with it and can't decide who gets elected... whatever happens will be part of God's plan. Honestly it might do this country some good to get a really bad president, it might wake some people up.
Clarification: intentionally hitting squirrels is so gross!
I agree Abigail. It is gross... but Sarah and I still had to laugh when a squirrel ran in front of our car today and we both quoted Enil... almost exactly at the same time. "I swerve.... TO HIT IT!!" =P
i'm going to start claming royalties.
I'm new around here; found your blog by way of my own, 'cuz both of us put BotB as some of our fave books....anywho - I totally agree with this post. You got it, girl.
Thank you! :) I really appreciate your comment!
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