I just finished updating a website, where I spent an extra unnecessary 30 minutes cleaning up the messy HTML because it was bothering me. Then I sat back and looked at my room. It's a wreck, quite aptly described by a phrase my dad used to use frequently, "Looks like a tornado went through here." But does it bother me? Not really. I cleaned out my documents and deleted a whole bunch of old "stories" that were about a paragraph long, but my closet - which is about 50% full of clothes that I'll never wear again - doesn't even slightly prick me with irritation. Unless I can't find a particular article of the 50% that I do wear. I'm very picky about the neatness of my homework, but I'm only fussy about the correctness of my answers if I've recently been impressed by the lowness of my grades.
I could continue with my obsessive-compulsive issues, but I need to go do schoolwork. Math, in particular, has taken me an extraordinary amount of time recently, since showing my work used to take 4 pages, but I counted the pages left in my notebook and I need to squeeze 4 pages of work per lesson into 3 pages to avoid only using half of an extra notebook by the end of Algebra II. And if that didn't make any sense, that's fine. You're not missing anything.
Timothy's Twelfth Month!
6 years ago
17 random thoughts:
Since I voted .... I guess I better comment: I have to get the last drop out of food containers, ever single last drop, not one little bit left, scrape that peanut butter jar clean!!!
It's a wreck, quite aptly described by a phrase my dad used to use frequently
Pictures, or your room is clean and pristine!
I'm confused..... Are you meaning to say that I have to show pictures or clean up my room?
its an internet saying, its like saying pictures or it didn't happen.... Did that make any more sence? :S
He's basically saying that your room isn't a mess unless you can prove it is. :P
I am definitely OCD about a lot of the wrong things. I check my email entirely too much, I can't stand it when people misspell certain words...I could go on, but I should be doing a research paper right now. :)
"misspell certain words"
Looks at last comment and corrects the spelling to "sense"
"Looks at last comment and corrects the spelling to "sense""
Haha. I was not referring to that, Kor, but thanks for correcting it anyway. :P
Pardon... I meant to say,"MY" last comment wasn't checking Allie's spelling
Ha, well, I'm certainly not going to provide pictures. If you're not willing to take my word for it then you can live in ignorance as to how messy my room can get. By all means, believe my room is "clean and pristine." I'm fine with that. :P
I am not OCD because I have not been diagnosed with it.
I get a little "OCD", if you will, about certain things...I appreciate cymmetry and good spelling, and get a little irratable when things are not how I appreciate them. However, I do not go back and forth to my front door twenty times at night to make sure that I locked it. Obsessive means you're constantly thinking about it; compulsive means you're constantly being forced to do it...you cannot help yourself. The little things like drying every last drip of water off of a dish is something OCD people worry about all the time. It is kind of serious, and it is a disorder and not necessarily to be taken lightly.
I don't mean to convict...I just mean to point out a couple misunderstandings. I enjoy watching Monk myself, thank you very much.
No comment on the whole OCD thing. I just thought I might go to all the blogs I know of and ask the question: Why am I not on your list of blogs?!?!
the URL is: nothingblog95.blogspot.com
Ahh, I'll have to remedy that immediately. My humble apologies.
It's OK Lizzie
I KNEW that "cymmetry" looked wrong...I even spell-checked it on MS word before posting, but that red squiggly line didn't come up...urgness. As for "irratable", it was a post-water-polo typo, I can assure you *laughs evilly*
My sincere apollgies lizzie, I was VERY rude in demanding you to put my blog on your blog. sorry :(
Hey, Jess, after talking with my parents I decided that my comment sounded too dogmatic, so I deleted it. I'm really sorry if it was offensive to you. I don't really know what I believe about OCD now. This post was just a joke about some of my idiosyncrasies. I didn't mean to be flippant.
Marck: That's quite alright. I meant to have you on here anyway, I just slipped up when I was adding blogs to our list.
Oh, that's fine...I am not offended by anything you said, and I completely understand. I just wanted to point out a few things, and I hope I didn't sound flippant either. I just...well, you know. I don't even know how to delete a comment.
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