Thursday, May 1, 2008

Unpleasant surprise

Yesterday morning I checked my email, and there was an email from CollegeBoard labeled "Your SAT Admission Ticket." "Hmm," I thought, "I wonder why they're sending it so early. I'm not signed up for the SAT until June." So I opened the email. And woe is me, somehow I forgot which date we had decided on... and I'm actually signed up to take the SAT THIS SATURDAY!!

I guess I can take it this Saturday, but I was thinking that I would take it in June, so now I am unsettled at having to take it so suddenly and I was hoping to find that one of my friends might be taking the SAT at the same time and at the same test center so that I could have a fellow homeschooler as I traverse temporarily into the world of public-schooled people. But alas, so far I have not found someone.

I'm scared... I hate taking tests.


3 random thoughts:

Anonymous said...

Oh, poor Lizzie...I'm sorry not to be taking it this Saturday, but I haven't really taken it at all, and I don't know if I ever will, even in June. ;) I'll be praying for you. But you know, public schoolers don't bite, contrary to popular belief.

Allie said...

awww. Where are you taking it? I may know some people taking it.

Lizzie said...

Jess: You're so lucky.
Somehow, that knowledge isn't too comforting.

Allie: I'm taking it a Millbrook HS.