If this is global warming, bring it on! Who cares if the polar ice caps are melting? (Okay, just kidding...)
This lovely weather was just what I needed to boost my spirits. I'm definitely a spring person. I like a little snow because it's pretty, but cold and shivering for too long drives me crazy. I love being outside with warm air and cool breezes.
Oh, and I was so excited! We had sparkling bubbles in the pool yesterday! They're usually just boring bubbles, but yesterday they were all sparkly and kinda rainbow colored. It was so cool! Alex was saying she wished we had underwater cameras so we could take a picture of it, but that it probably wouldn't look the same in the picture. And that made me realize something kind obvious that I'd never really thought about before... pictures are never the same as being there because you don't feel the same as when you took the picture. It probably has something to do with cameras not being as awesome as the eyes God gave us, but I think it's also because you just aren't there. For example, even if I could show you a picture, you probably wouldn't understand why we were excited about sparkly bubbles. But if you were swimming in a somewhat dark pool (because half the lights are off for some odd reason) and you're in the middle of a monotonous set of backstroke and you're kind of bored, and kind of tired and you roll to do your flip turn and see sparkly bubbles, suddenly you're just happy. Or maybe you're not. If you're a guy you might not care about sparkly bubbles at all. But it made Alex and me happy...
What does it sound like to you if a swim coach asks if you want to play a game called "Go Down 4 Times, Come Up 3"? (Don't answer if you heard this yesterday...)
Timothy's Twelfth Month!
6 years ago
12 random thoughts:
Yesterday's weather (maybe today's weather too, I haven't been outside yet :) kind of reminded me of the beach.
For some reason, bubbles, especially iridescent ones, just make people happy. I think it's hardwired.
It sounds like the swim coach wants to get rid of you. :D
I know what Coach was trying to do.... :P Of course, I was there yesterday....
I did not notice any sparkling bubbles yesterday. Maybe I was still being absentminded and unthoughtful from overexposure to Nathan and Matt and not enough girl time, but I think it was also because all I could think about was how wavy our giant lane was and how miserable I was and how I never wanted to do what we were doing ever again...
I was thinking how it'd be nice weather to be at the beach... so maybe that's the same thing. :D
Yeah, that's what I thought. When Coach said "Go Down 4 Times, Come Up 3" I said, "that sounds like drowning..." and Alex started laughing and proceeded to tell everyone that didn't hear me say it what I had said... I thought it was kind of obvious. But she thought it was funny. :P
Aw, I'm sorry Jessica. I wanted to show them to you, but I didn't really get a chance. I kinda forgot about it after water polo started. I hate the double-wide lanes... but the backstroke wasn't as bad as the fly.
I'd be getting out of the pool! :D If I was in the pool in the first place...seeing as I don't know how to swim and stuff. :P
Oo, bubbles are awesome. And yeah, I agree with Jos, I think it's somehow just hardwired to like bubbles. :)
Alex S.? (The one I know?)
Oh, yeah, you do know Alex, don't you? I forget how though. :D
Natalie--you can't swim?? This is a terrible thing which we must fix. Next time I come visit my cousins we shall do something about you not swimming. Also, you know Alex????? This is a very small world.....I laugh in the face of those overpopulation declarers.
Oh no... :D Okay, just don't drown me!!! None of this go down four times, come up three stuff. lol
And I'll take you all contra dancing in return...I have a feeling you'd be getting the better half of the deal.
Yes, I know Alex from the homeschool camp I used to go to.
Wow, tell me about it! If you were on Facebook, Jessica, you'd see how much smaller the world seems to be getting...it blows my mind all the connections between all the people I know! :D
Don't worry Natalie. After you drown the first time, the whole thing becomes much easier. :D
Hmm, someone else who's staying off Facebook. (A club is required!) ;)
Yeah, I might even be able to float, Jos! :P
Oh, don't worry Natalie....I'm not all that fun of most of these crazy games Coach comes up with. The only person I would make do go down four times come up three is Coach (and I mean that in a nice, loving, good-natured way).
Ooh, contra dancing!!! I am excited already!
Also, I may be getting a Facebook soon, Jos. Do not mistake me as a conformist...it is merely a very clever way of staying in touch with a lot of people who are otherwise difficult to stay in touch with, and certain friends of mine who are in certain foreign countries post all their pictures from their travelings on facebook and I don't get to see any of it! :(
That was a joke. I am still giving thought to the idea, and am therefore decided that I shall not get one until my decision changes, if you know what I mean.
Yeah, if you end up in a Facebook-linked group... half of everything said makes no sense whatsoever. :(
Yeah! You know what? You and I should just start our own social networking site and talk about it all the time in front of all the people who aren't on it and make sure that we make no sense while doing so.
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