Monday, November 3, 2008

Beach Vacation 6

Remember the beach vacation series back in September where I promised to post a video of as soon as I could get it to work? I finally got it to work. So here's the video.

You might notice that I say "Yeah" a total of 4 times in this video. There's a very good reason for my lack of intellectual conversation.... it was not required.

By the way, here's the script if you were wondering what David said:

David: Isn't it cool? (Meaning his skim board)
Me: Yeah
David: Lizzie!
Me: Yeah!
David: Isn't it cool? (He didn't hear my answer the first time)
Me: Yeah!
Joel: Are you doing video?
Me: Yeah
Joel: Huh.

And actually, that's not Joel playing frisbee with himself, it's Bubba.

So I finally got that posted. Whew.


0 random thoughts: