Our mom just recently finished the book "For Parents Only" by Shaunti Feldhahn and Lisa Rice. I am very sad to say, that out of all that wonderful, wise insight on teens, Mom only learned two things (Ok, maybe she learned more, but she's only told us these two): Teens want you to punish them, and teens fail to plan. *sighs and smacks self on the head. Again.*
OK, so it's true (actually the first one is definitely true, and I don't mind that she learned that one. I'll be talking about the one that is also the title of this post. (I'm so brilliant!)) As I was saying, it's true...-ish. Teens don't always fail to plan, and I'm sure that at least a few of them plan alot. I plan alot. Or plot alot *evil snicker* but it's the same thing.
Mom mostly pointed this idea at our schoolwork; we don't plan it right (or not at all) and it doesn't get done. I would like to resent that. My school gets done, and I have planned it perfectly. I just don't execute my plans very well. Nevertheless, my work is always done before the next Monday.
Just for the record, parents don't always plan ether...
Now if you'll excuse me, I must go finish *planning* a painting. I *plan* for it to accurately express how strongly I despise my retainers. Then I must *plan* a day in which I will paint it.
Just in case anyone is wondering; nope, I didn't exactly *plan* for this post to have a point.
Later, I just might *plan* to post something on how weird a word "plan" is.
Planning evil plans with her evil-planning-mind,
Timothy's Twelfth Month!
6 years ago
1 random thoughts:
This is hilarious!!! I'm waiting for your post on the word 'plan'.
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