With all my excitement about Beauty and the Beast, I forgot to brag.... I swam the lap-a-thon again Thursday and made 142. Sadly, that's 2 laps from my goal..... urgh. But whatever.
Today in Chemistry we took the test for Module 13. It took an entire 2 hours...... and I hadn't done the homework, so I really didn't know what I was doing. (*wince* Yeah..... bad me.) Fortunately the test was open book... and (unfortunately) the teacher practically did the problems for us if we asked for help.
One of my classmates and I were whispering about how horrible one of the problems was and she really made me laugh (or rather, choke, as I tried not to burst out laughing in the middle of a test): "At first #13 made me think, and then it smashed me over the head with a baseball bat and then there was no more thinking going on." ~ Alicia
I think that's my favorite quote from Chemistry this year. Oh, and just for laughs, I'll share my blonde-ness.
Teacher: So does that help?
Me: But that doesn't have anything to do with the answer!
Class: *turns and stares*
Me: The question is *insert question here.*
Teacher: We're doing problem #7.
Me: Oh... you're not helping me then. Sorry. Never mind.
Class: *laughs*
Me: *is swallowed by the floor*
So yeah.... that's me. :P
Timothy's Twelfth Month!
6 years ago
4 random thoughts:
Well, two laps from your goal is better than, like, ten laps or twenty-two laps or something... :)
I am glad your life is so boring!
In some respects, yes..... but 2 laps off means that you COULD have made it... and you didn't. Which is unbelievably frustrating. And I thought I could imagine how Kara felt. She felt even worse than this probably, because she could have tied the team record!
I know... it's so deliciously boring. :P
Oh that last part made me laugh really hard!!! You are so cute :)
Hey, and good job on your laps!!!
Thats awesome!!
I can't really swim....I have some weird thing where my lungs constrict and I can't breath well.....It's really weird. Anyhow, thanks for the laugh.
Thanks Olivia! For both the cute and the laps. ;)
Oh, that's kinda scary. I wonder if that's what happens to me sometimes... I just suddenly can't breathe, and I have to stop swimming and sit on the side. Anyway.
I'm glad I made you laugh!
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