Greatly against my wishes, my family decided to watch King Kong as our family movie today. I didn't even want to begin watching it because I know Kong dies at the end, but Sarah talked me into it, promising that I could always watch all of it except for the end and then create my own ending like I always do for movies that I don't like. So I consented, and tried to eat my pizza as the movie got worse and worse.
First creepy natives tried to sacrifice the girl (that NEVER happens in Jane Austen!) to Kong and then she escapes, and discovers a huge lizard thing that tries to eat her... but instead the lizard thing is eaten by a T-Rex. And then the T-Rex goes after the girl, and 2 more Rexes magically appear and then are fought by Kong... who just finished killing and injuring the rescuers. The surviving rescuers are in the bottom of a ravine, being attacked by huge spiders. Then ginormous cock-roaches appear. When slimy wormy things started attacking them and the cock-roaches plastered themselves all over guy that the girl is in love with, I decided that I'd seen enough. Read: I ran out of the room.
I did go back long enough to discover that the movie has a whole hour left! *shudders* Ooooh, I can feel the cock-roaches crawling on me. Augh!! There's nothing I hate worse than not finishing a movie. Even now with how creeped out I am, I feel the draw.... I'm being pulled downstairs... Ahhh!!! Help! I. Will. Resist. *deep breaths*
*cringe* I'm scarred...... *shudder*
Timothy's Twelfth Month!
6 years ago
19 random thoughts:
Yeah, not your kind of movie, is it, Lizzie? ;) Sorry you're scarred now. I'll try and get you back P&P asap so you can watch it and feel more comfortable...except I won't see you till the 29th or something... :(
No, it's not my kind at all. :P Don't worry about P&P though. We just watched it, so I'm good for now. And we watched Persuasion yesterday. If you haven't seen it, you should borrow that one next!
I can't believe it's going to be that long! Ahh!
it can't be that bad, can it Lizzie? and anyways you have to face up to your fears (and dislikes)
That is a very strange movie. I detest it all the way through and then feel like crying when the ugly ape gets shot... how does that work? I might could bring myself to watch it again if it ended happily but after the heroics of Kong, that little Jack guy is kind of wimpy :/
And all the creepy creatures are dreadful! Can I please come watch P&P with ya'll?! ;)
bassman: Yeah, it can be that bad. :D I guess I should face up to my fears and dislikes... but I just don't think that forcing myself to watch King Kong holds any real value. ;)
Abigail: Certainly! We'll have whole Jane Austen movie marathon and watch all the best movies ever! :D
I enjoyed King Kong at parts of it, but I was deliberately out of the room for the entire island battling-dinasour scene. :)
I like Adrien Brodie, and this movie did have some beautiful shots. But it went on WAAAAY too long! I would much rather watch P&P!:D But I still want to see Pursuasion....
I love action movies. I'll have to see this...
Michelle: It definitely had some great shots! I really liked the shot of the dinosaurs before they stampeded.
Mattrix: That's great idea! You should borrow our copy and then never return it. :D
Oh, in that case, maybe you shouldn't give them my copy of Newsies after you watch it...
Oh, we watched Newsies last night! It was sooooo good!
Oh, I'm so glad you liked it! It's one of my favorite movies. If you can remember, what's your favorite song or part with a song...or character or all three, or maybe a part without a song if it REALLY comes down to that?
I love Santa Fe.....but I can't really say that's my favorite, I love the whole movie!
"That's my cigar!"
"You'll steal anothuh(sp?)..."
"Hey bummas we got work to do!"
"Since when did you become me mudda....."
"Ah, stop your bawlin!"
ok. I'll stop. :)
I LOVE Newsies!! It is one of my favorite movies. I really like the song, Once and for All!
I have never seen "King Kong", but from what you said it is not my kind of movie!
Yes, Santa Fe is definately my favorite song of the whole movie, with Once and for All a close second. But I really like them all!
I remember the first time I saw Newsies was at the Henderson's house...Sarah and I had a mini-marathon. I think we also watched "The Importance of Being Earnest."
Santa Fe was my favorite too. But I really liked all the songs! I can't remember what the first one is called though..... the one at the very beginning where they're dancing in the street and stuff. I really liked that one too.
The Newsies was terrible...what kind of wierdies dance in the street singing? (besides me)
"Carrying the Banner", I believe is what it's called. Annabeth may have to look on Sarah's soundtrack or something for verification, but I think that's what it's called. And if you watch the special features, it will make you really want to do a musical...good thing you are.
I like guys that dance and sing in the street! (not like-like, just LIKE, as in they are cool)
Yeah, I agree, Jess! :D
Oh, fun, I think I will watch the special features.... since I have a whole week until I give it back to you.... or to the F's, whichever you decided. :P
It's fine to give it to the F's, but just make sure to tell them that it is JESSICA's and she will be wanting it back eventually, because she loves the movie dearly.
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