Thursday, April 17, 2008

I have a new camera!

I absolutely love it. Sarah keeps criticizing it, I guess because it's not as big and professional as hers is, but I'm pleased with it. Here are a few of my first pictures. I got a great one of Sarah "doing school" but she won't let me post it.

Two of my friends who came home with us from swim practice yesterday. No, they're not sisters.... I think they kinda look like it though. In this pic anyway, with both their faces washed out by flash.... eh-heh.

This is everyone NOT cooperating. Except for Hannah... *sniff* If they'd all have just smiled for one, I wouldn't have had to take 5. As it was, this was the best one. Pathetic.....

I actually couldn't tell what I was taking here... it was pretty dark. I thought I might have got Nathan diving behind Matt... but no. You can only see his green shoulder. I wonder if they know that freaking out whenever a person tries to take pictures of them only makes it more fun. Haha.


2 random thoughts:

Jessica said...

Lovely...but I'm not sure I can possibly look any more washed out. :)

You know, you still got a picture of Matt, just not his face or combed hair.

Lizzie said...

Haha, believe it or not, I actually tried to fix it somewhat with a nifty little editor... you actually did look more washed out. lol.

I know. I don't think it counts. I fully intend to take advantage of any future chances to terrorize both of them with my new camera. :P They're so funny.