Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I just noticed....

That yesterday was Monday, and it was actually a pretty good day! I couldn't figure out why, because it's not the first time that we've won a game on Monday (at least.... I don't think it is...) but even with the great excitement of winning a game, those other Mondays usually level out to "not-so-great" or "down-right awful." And then I realized.

I did absolutely no schoolwork yesterday. And that's making today infinitely more intolerable, because now I have to catch up. But it certainly was nice to have a 3-day weekend.

Somehow I think it'd even be better if Saturday was a school day, and then Sunday and Monday were the weekend. Something about Monday is just dreadful. It's not that my schoolwork is any different than other days. I guess it's just the break, having done no school on Saturday and Sunday, having to do school again is miserable.

So now today feels like a Monday, except a worse than usual Monday, because I DO have double school now. Lovely......


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