I think I'll do away with them. Forget titles.....
Anyway, it occurred to me as I was drinking my green tea, eating chocolate and listening to Switchfoot (on my CD player that has recently decided to behave! I guess the threatening to dispose of it and replace it with a more docile model made it decide to shape up its performance) that I have A LOT of school to do. I have to finish my math book, finish Biology (yeah, it's from last year... *wince*), finish Chemistry, finish Literature and Grammar, finish Spanish I, memorize my lines for Annie and take the SAT. All preferably in about a month (except for the SAT.... I'm taking it in June). And I'm trying not to think about all the courses that I'll have to start for my Senior year.....
I'm not sure where all my time is going, it really doesn't seem like I do that much extra stuff. I guess I really do have bad time management skills. It'd be nice if I could get up at 6 and do work before we have to start going places for the day, but I'd be ridiculously exhausted if I did that, and I use caffeine so much already that it has almost no effect. And yes, I know that's bad.
Then, when I get behind like this, I'm even less productive and have a tendency to not do any schoolwork and instead write lame blog posts that have absolutely no value to anyone and merely waste my time. *sigh* At least now I have a comprehensive list of schoolwork to finish that I can refer to at a later date.
Hope you're having more luck with school than me!
Timothy's Twelfth Month!
6 years ago
1 random thoughts:
This post is actually pretty convicting. I just realized I have 4 essays to write, half a book of pre-calc to finish, 4 exams to study for, 3 physics tests to take, 2 labs to turn in, and a module of geometry to finish in 5 weeks/34 days. I'm gonna be taking a break from the internet for a while, at least during the day. So if you catch me on IM or facebook, yell at me or something. :)
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