Sarah and I went out to get some art supplies and groceries and stopped at the mall just to see if they had any good sales. (They didn't.) And have you ever noticed that people at the mall seem to have a less than average understanding of how parking lots work?? I got stuck with the back of my car sticking out in a somewhat busy area going by the food court because I made the mistake of trying to go down a parking aisle behind a car that stopped in the middle of the lane waiting for a van to pull out of parking spot. Then, after the van finally got out, it was coming our way, but the car in front of me was in the middle of the lane, and I was to the left of them trying to pull in as far as I could and keep my trunk from getting blown off.
So we had a van coming our way and we had the entire lane blocked. The car managed to pull around and get in the parking space, but I was stuck because a huge group of people walked right in front of me, and the van was just sitting there. I could feel the glare. The people sauntered on down the middle of the lane (people walk sooooooo slooooowww) and I finally managed to get out of the van's way. Then I barely inched along as the mall-goers continued to give me no room to get by. I did eventually park. Miraculously.
But anyway, the whole point was to mention the Move the Picture petition of a month ago. A&F still has that picture up. I guess the protesters lost. And I bet A&F keeps that picture up even longer than they originally would have in the first place. "" is a blank page now. They just slunk off quietly like whipped dogs. And really, that seems like how we, as Christians, take everything. We can fight vigorously for a day or two, but when it comes down to it, we usually don't have the endurance, strength and belief in our cause to keep fighting. We just give up.
I hope that changes. We will probably have to fight for the right to homeschool in NC in the next decade. I hope we fight to the end, and never give up. And I hope we win.
Timothy's Twelfth Month!
6 years ago
5 random thoughts:
Well, that's not quite what I was thinking of....
Oh, good grief...
I hadn't heard of move the picture thing, but to be honest after looking into it a bit I've got to say anyone who wanted that removed was probably dreaming a pipe dream.
While we're at it, lets get Victoria's secret to remove their scantily clad woman, or maybe the undergarment pictures section in any and every store these days, wallmart, target, any clothing store ect...
It's silly to think this specific image would get taken down when there are so many other sexually dominant pictures/sayings/shirts ect out there...
just my 2c
I agree, Kor. I think the reason that they realized it was bad was because it was a man.... and usually it's not. But, quite frankly, I think the Victoria's Secret photos are much worse.
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