I don't try to keep my blog a secret from my friends, but I don't usually say, "Hey, I've got a blog! Here's the address if you wanna read it!" I'd feel weird saying that. But recently, I've been pleased to discover that some of my friends have managed to find my blog. For example, I took my water polo ball to the first practice this week and one of my friends says, "Oh, is that your water polo ball?" Before I said anything. "Yes, it is.... how did you know...??"
So anyway, I'm really happy that you guys are finding it without me having to awkwardly promote my own blog. And all that was to say that I'd love it if y'all would leave comments. You don't have to have a blogger account. If you go to the comments page and click the "Name/URL" button, all you have to enter is a name. You don't have to do a URL. I would be delighted to hear from you!
Also, if you want to comment on an older post, I have it set up so that I get emails notifying me of any comments on my blog, so don't think that I won't see it.
btw, Sarah has a very pathetic lack of posts recently, so I'm inviting everyone to pester her for a post. :P
Timothy's Twelfth Month!
6 years ago
8 random thoughts:
Sarah......stop sitting there obsessively rubbing your RSA card and POST!!! It's not as if you have a severe lack of time or nothing to write about. You could write about the RSA cards, because now everyone will be wondering.
On that note...the Rachels dunked mine in the pool and then tore it up. It was most devastating, and I need a new one just to console me for the lost of my first one.
*rubs card* Severe lack of time? Yes.
Nothing to write about? Yes. Besides, I think we should leave them wondering. :D
Those Rachels are only so very slightly evil. ;P
They were feeling especially only-ever-so-slightly-evil that day...*tear* :P
i thought you had 2 b a "blogger" 2 make comments........well, i guess i'll b the anonymous commenter!
SARA! please stop being a slacker and post:-(
Sure, you can be the anonymous commenter... just so long as you tell us who you are. lol :P
well, if i have to tell you who i am i might as well just use my name! so, i will give up being the anonymous commenter.... it's me, Hannah!!! and just so you know, I LOVE READING YOUR BLOG! but i do wish Sarah would post more....
Ah, but now that we know who you are you can go back to being anonymous if you want. :D
Thank you! And I wish Sarah would post more too...
i think i will go by my middle name, Dare! for some reason i really like it:)
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