Whenever someone finds out that I'm homeschooled, the first question they usually ask is, "Do you like it?" with the inflection in their voice making it sound as if they were asking if I liked eating dirt. I always answer in something of a shocked tone. "Yes, of course I like it!" I mean, who wouldn't like not having to get up at 5 to go to a building full of teenagers and a few adults trying to keep their sanity, keep order and cram information into unwilling heads? Instead, I get up with a full night's sleep, eat a leisurely breakfast with my family, do school work at my own pace (actually learning something!) and then head off to swimming/theatre/dance/voice.... where I get plenty of socialization with my friends. The weekends are nice, but I'm certainly not dreading the return of the weekdays like most public-school kids do.
So, I was just musing about how my perception of time has changed. I remember about 12 years ago, on the day after my 5th birthday, I couldn't wait to be 6. (I'm not sure why.) So I asked my mom, "How many days til I'm 6?" And she told me that since my birthday was only yesterday, it was another whole year. And I was devastated. That was like forever. But now, 12 years later, it doesn't even seem that long ago. Now I understand what my parents meant when they said, "Time flies." That used to confuse me so bad. I wonder what changed. Time isn't going any faster than it ever did, but it feels like it is. Perhaps the difference is that when you look back, you remember the good times. And, you know, "time flies when you're having fun."
Timothy's Twelfth Month!
6 years ago
1 random thoughts:
And you know the comment following your "yes, I do like homeschooling" is usually something like, "I think I would like it...I could do school in my pajamas and stuff...but I wouldn't get to see my friends much."
There's no need to tell YOU that I see my friends a lot.
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